Ralph Spears
The Story of a Carbine and a Regiment
The Story of a Carbine and a Regiment
January 16, 2025
Mr. Spears is a serious collector of early breech loading carbines, from 1833 to1865. The US Government purchased at least 32 breechloaders patented by different inventors in limited quantities and 22 different patent types, His collection currently includes over 120 carbines. Mr. Spears just had published a chapter on the Sharps & Hankins rifles and carbines in Volume 4 of the series of books on the firearms of Christian Sharps.
The Sharps & Hankins rifles and carbines were the most issued arms carried on US Navy ships during the Civil War. They remained the main Navy small arm on warships until replaced in 1870.
The Army also purchased about 1,500 S&H carbines. Several regiments carried them, notably the 3rd, 4th, 9th, and 11th New York Cavalry. The11th NY was assigned to the District of the Gulf and operated around Baton Rouge for a time, then over into southern Mississippi in 1864. Some of the carbines were carried by 11th NY cavalry operating in the Baton Rouge area during the Civil War.
The Army also purchased about 1,500 S&H carbines. Several regiments carried them, notably the 3rd, 4th, 9th, and 11th New York Cavalry. The11th NY was assigned to the District of the Gulf and operated around Baton Rouge for a time, then over into southern Mississippi in 1864. Some of the carbines were carried by 11th NY cavalry operating in the Baton Rouge area during the Civil War.
Place: Drusilla Seafood, 3482 Drusilla Lane, http://drusillaplace.com/
Meeting Time: 6:30 pm Doors open, Meeting begins 7:00 pm, End 8:30 to 9:00pm.
Meeting Cost: $35.00 includes tax, tip and meal.
Reservations: Please make a reservation(s) to attend this meeting by Tuesday January 16.
Late Reservations: Welcomed and appreciated.
Contact: John Potts (225) 937-2782, or [email protected]
Book Raffle: There will be a selection of books or items. $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.
Website: http://www.brcwrt.com
Meeting Time: 6:30 pm Doors open, Meeting begins 7:00 pm, End 8:30 to 9:00pm.
Meeting Cost: $35.00 includes tax, tip and meal.
Reservations: Please make a reservation(s) to attend this meeting by Tuesday January 16.
Late Reservations: Welcomed and appreciated.
Contact: John Potts (225) 937-2782, or [email protected]
Book Raffle: There will be a selection of books or items. $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.
Website: http://www.brcwrt.com