The goals of this organization are to promote, and preserve the Port Hudson Battlefield, which includes the State Historic site and private property.
We are just getting started and could use your help. Donations are tax deductible.
Membership is $25.00 yearly.
This is a working organization not for self promotion. There will be no banquets, parties etc. that deplete the coffers. Any event expense will be used to raise funds to fulfill our goals.
We may change web hosting companies and will be under construction for a bit. I will have to learn wordpress so if things go as expected we will have the beginnings of a new site by the end of April.
We are just getting started and could use your help. Donations are tax deductible.
Membership is $25.00 yearly.
This is a working organization not for self promotion. There will be no banquets, parties etc. that deplete the coffers. Any event expense will be used to raise funds to fulfill our goals.
We may change web hosting companies and will be under construction for a bit. I will have to learn wordpress so if things go as expected we will have the beginnings of a new site by the end of April.